Preparation for Breastfeeding Posture
Front hold or Cradle Position
Underarm Position
Lying Down Position
Breast feeding Method
Baby sucking include nipple and areola
- Make use of the instinctive reflex of the baby to have it turn toward mother
- Use one of your nipple to touch baby’s lips
- When baby’s mouth is wide open, place the nipple in the mouth.
- Most important, bring baby close to mother’s body
Effective sucking technique
- For baby to effectively drink breast milk, have your areola and nipple in the baby’s mouth completely.
- When baby suckles on your nipple, he or she would display distinctively facial features with clear swallowing sound.
Signs of baby in need of feeding
- If the baby is hungry, he or she would wiggle the head, open the mouth, and search for nipple.
- If the baby is bigger, he or she would turn his or her head facing your breasts. You can also see the facial muscular motion and swallowing sound.