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Pediatric Anesthesia 小兒麻醉


Pediatric Anesthesia 小兒麻醉


You must be really worried when your children need to undergo surgery or examination under anesthesia. You must also have many questions and we will provide you with some simple information as reference. Please discuss with your anesthesiologist in details for clearer solutions.

How to administer anesthesia to children?

  • Before your children accept treatment or surgery, we must find the details of the past medical history of your children, including any congenital, genetic disease, history of medication, history of allergy, and even anesthesia experience as reference for this anesthesia.  
  • In general, children are more acceptable to general anesthesia since younger children could not cooperate with intravenous drip and hence muscular injection or anesthetic inhalation through mask could be used. Children can then use intravenous drip after they fall asleep. Anesthesia can be added to the intravenous drip for older children to put them to sleep.
  • In the process of surgery/examination, anesthesiologists will pay attention to the vital signs of children (respiration, heartbeat, blood pressure, and body temperature) to assure the safety of children. Children will eventually wake up after the surgery or examination in addition to receiving subsequent care in the recovery room. Usually parents will be requested to company the children at the recovery room to reduce their anxiety and there will be nurses who will explain about the precautions for post-operative education care before leaving the recovery room, including the eating hours and wound care.

Will anesthesia affect the development of children?

  • In spite of some discoveries made in animal testing, anesthesia seems to have some effect on the brain development of animals’ brains to certain level. Nonetheless it is still unknown if these animal testing can be applied to human. Hence please consult fully with your pediatrician or physician executing medical disposal before conducting necessary examination or surgeries. Do not let these concerns without identified support to delay necessary treatment.
  • Anesthesiologists always regard the safety of patients as the foremost importance and you may leave your children in the hands of professional anesthesiologist for the most proper care.
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