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Types of Anesthesia 麻醉方式


Types of Anesthesia 麻醉方式


Local Anesthesia (Mostly performed by surgeons)

Local anesthesia is injection or spread of medication to the area of operation. Namely, local anesthesia can apply analgesic effect on the surgical site. Since the medication only works on the area of operation and is only use in minor surgeries.

General Anesthesia

General anesthesia works on the central nervous system and will make you lose pain and perception in general, who will nearly not have any surgery related memories.

Since no medicine can produce all of the above mentioned benefits, usually the administration of several medicines to attain the maximum comfort in patients in addition to reducing the side effects of single anesthesia.

Anesthesia usually starts with intravenous injection or volatile agent via mask to help patients lose perception, which is administered with the oxygen and anesthesia through the mask or the tube.

Anesthesia is subdivided into the follows:

  • General Anesthesia with endotracheal intubation
  • General Anesthesia with mask ventilation
  • General Anesthesia  with Intravenous/Intramuscular agents

Regional Anesthesia

Single regional anesthesia does not work on the brain but will produce paralysis on certain area implemented with surgery. You are still awake during operation but will not feel pain.

The anesthesiologist will inject medication from the intravenous to relax and reduce anxiety from the patients if necessary.

Currently the most widely used regional anesthesia includes:

  • Epidural Anesthesia (injecting anesthesia to epidural).
  • Spinal Anesthesia (injecting anesthesia to cerebrospinal fluid).
  • Arm and Leg Nerve Block Anesthesia (injecting anesthesia around the nerves of arms and legs).
  • Nerve Block Anesthesia

Anesthesiologist and anesthetic nurse will carefully evaluate your medical history, physical condition, length of operation and characteristics before the surgery to fully discuss and determine the proper way of anesthesia.

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