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Hospice share care 緩和醫療共同照護簡介


Hospice share care 緩和醫療共同照護簡介


What is hospice share care?

The hospice share care team hosted by the original care team is propagating the concept and care methods of hospice care to the cancer patients from other wards. The aim is to provide more concern about every patient and his or her family physically, psychologically, socially, and spiritually. The team members include physicians, nurses, social workers, clergymen, and volunteers


  1. Cancer patients from non-hospice ward
  2. Patients and their family who need and accept hospice share care
  3. Others : communication problems between family members, difficulty in informing the patient of disease progression, demand from family of dying patients and so on.


  1. 24-hour phone consultation
  2. Co-operation with the primary care team in current ward
  3. Adequate physical, psychological, social, and spiritual support.
  4. 2~3 times of visit every week if necessary
  5. Demonstrating basic nursing care to patients’ family members
  6. Assistance with future dying preparation
  7. Consultation and referral about social resources
  8. Concern and help from our team members
  9. Referral to hospice home care after discharged from the hospital
  10. Transfer to hospice ward if necessary

What’s the difference between hospice share care and hospice ward?

The most significant difference is that patients can stay under the primary care team from the original ward and still have access to our hospice share care, which provides total care throughout the course and extends to the family and community.

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