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How to prevent surgical complications 預防手術後併發症注意事項


How to prevent surgical complications 預防手術後併發症注意事項


Preventaion is always better than therapy. Correct recognition of prevention is helpful for post–operative recovery.


Adequate pre-operatal preparation could decrease the risk of operation, increase the ability of post-operative recovery, and prevent complications. Therefore, it is less time-consuming and it is good for reducing patients’ anxiety, fear, and pain.

Important Matters for pre-operation

  1. deep breathing and coughing movement: Deep breathing and coughing are helpful for pulmonary expansion and post-operative pneumonia and lung atelectasis prevention.

Methods: Inhale gently through your nose to ballooning your chest and abdomen, and then exhale slowly for 5~10 times every hour. When you cough, press on the wound with your hands to produce deep breathing cough.

  1. changing position movement: Change the position of your body constantly to prevent venous stasis and gastroinstine and lung complications.

Methods: Use bed railing to change the position of your body with an interval of every 1~2 hours until you can get out of the bed for more active movements.

  1. movements of limbs: It prevents circulation problems like Thrombophlebitis.

Methods: Patients should stretch and flex all joints of hips, knees, and ankles for venous return.

Post-operation complications can be greatly reduced once patients follow aforementioned instructions for movements.


Reminders for self-care

  1. Patients should manage to get out of the bed as early as possible after the operation; start with deep breathing exercise for 1~2 hours to prevent lung atelectasis and pulmonay embolism.
  2. Self-urination takes place within 6~8 hours after the operation. Inform our medical staff for assistance with urination if you suffer from abdominal pain and dysurination.
  3. Chang the position of your body frequently until you no longer feel sick, dizziness or nausea; manage to get out of the bed as early as possible to promote metabolism and prevent constipation.
  4. When you feel unbearable pain of the wound, press on the wound gently or change the position of your body to reduce painfulness. Read a book, listen to music, have a massage, or request assistance from the doctors to minimize your pain.
  5. If you observe any bruises, abnormal secretion, funny odor, or hemorrhage of the wound, inform our medical staff immediately. Maintain dryness and cleanness of the wound; intake high protein like fish and meat, or vitamin C like fruits to facilitate wound healing.


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