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Back Tapping and Lying Position 如何叩擊和姿位引流除呼吸道痰液


Back Tapping and Lying Position 如何叩擊和姿位引流除呼吸道痰液


What is “back tapping and lying position”?

Medical staff often utilize back tapping techniques and patients’ lying position to clean their phlegm from windpipe and to help lung leaf breath better.

Who or when is in need of back tapping and lying position?

  1. When it is hard for patients to cough or when they suffer from non-regular excretions congesting windpipe.
  2. When patients suffer from long-term bed ridden; back tapping and lying position is applied to prevent patients from getting pneumonia.

Important notices

  1. Cup your hand (as shown in Picture 1) when tapping the back of the patients from down to up; after slapping 3~5 minutes, keep the same position for 5~10 minutes. Repeat it at least 3~4 times a day.

  1. To expand patients’ lung capacity, urge them to practice deep breathing and coughing.  
  2. To avoid vomiting, don’t do it one hour earlier or two hours after the meal.
  3. inform our medical staff immediately if patients suffer from dizziness, asthma, painfulness, bleeding, face turning pale, purple neck, and speeding-up heartbeat.
  4. avoid tapping patients’ liver, kidney, chest bone, breast bone, spine, and abdomen.
  5. For little infants, use finger or face mask as a replacement measure.
  6. To prevent unnecessary injury, do not wear any bracelets or watch.
  7. Patients under respiratory support, put the oxygen mask close to their nose.

The lying position for adult.

1. Adult (as shown in Picture 2~5)

Picture 2
Picture 3: Place patients’ head low and foot high. (Raise their foot 30 cm)
Picture 4: have patients lying down on their left side with foot raise 45cm up.
Picture 5, lying on the abdomen.


If your child has Cystic Fibrosis and is under age 5, do not tilt his or her chest area instead have his or her chest remain horizontal.

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