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How to avoid wounds infection 正確的換藥避免傷口感染


How to avoid wounds infection 正確的換藥避免傷口感染

  • Changing Dressings correctly:
  1. Wash your hands.
  2. Remove the old dressing. Moisten it with warm water or saline solution if it is stuck.
  3. Observe the wound for redness, size, secretion, and color, and then record it.
  4. Gently clean the wounded area with saline solution from the center of the wound to the outer area until it is clean. The dressing can only be used once; if you are going to use any ointment or wound cream, apply a small amount to the open area and not the surrounding skin.
  5. Cover the wound with a bandage or gauze pad.
1. 2.
3.  4. 
  • Use clean or disinfectant dressings when you need to touch the wound.
  • To heal the wound, keep the wound clean, move and adjust your positions to help relieve pressure, and intake more fish, meats, beans, eggs and vitamin A.
  • Things to be aware of:
  1. Change bandages daily, if it is wet or dirty, notify medical staff.
  2. Tell the nurse if the wound bleeds.
  3. Don’t touch the wound directly.
  4. Use disinfected bandages to cover wounds.
  5. Cover the wound with a bandage or gauze pad and do not open the bandage at will.
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