Health Information
Health Education
Health EducationBronchiolitis 細支氣管炎
2024/1/2Bronchiolitis is an inflammation of the small passages in the lungs (bronchioles), usually caused by a viral infection.
Dietary Instructions for Patients with Breast Cancer 乳癌飲食原則
2024/1/2Food to avoid includes royal jelly, female hormone pills, soy isoflavone extracts, and Evening primrose oil.
Care for Children with Heart Disease after Heart Surgery 心臟病兒童開心手術後照護
2024/1/2After the operation, the doctor will fix the cut sternum with a steel wire, so it is normal to feel tight and pain.
Breast Self Examination 乳房自我檢查
2023/12/26Check your breasts on the regular basis, for example, once a month.
Instruction for Electrophysiology Study 心臟電氣生理學檢查注意事項
2023/12/13To understand the different pathogenesis of tachycardia or bradycardia and arrhythmia in order to take the most appropriate treatment approach.
Myocardial Infarction 心肌梗塞
2023/12/13Referring to the coronary artery supplying to the cardiac muscle suddenly is suddenly obstructed and causes interruption of blood circulation and oxygen supplying to the cardiac muscle. Partial or wide necrosis occurs to the cardiac muscle due to the obstruction of blood circulation, ischemia and hypoxia.
Angina Pectoris 心絞痛
2023/12/13The chest pain due to the inadequate supply of oxygen to the heart and cardiac ischemia but does not cause myocardial necrosis.
Post-Surgical Instructions for Atrial Septal Defect (ASD) Closure Device 心房中隔缺損關閉器術後說明
2023/12/13The atrial septal defect (ASD) closure device is made of woven-form nickel-titanium alloy, which alloy features the memory for shapes.
Post-Surgical Instruction for Inferior Vena Cava (IVC) Filter 下腔靜脈過濾器術後說明
2023/12/13Inferior Vena Cava (IVC) Filter is the isolation device of veins that can “prevent pulmonary embolism.”
Coronary Heart Disease 冠狀動脈心臟病
2023/12/13Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) is the most common heart disease. The so-called “coronary artery” to the arteries located on the surface of the heart responsible for supplying blood and nutrients to the heart.