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Health EducationQuick Diagnosis of Venomous Snake Bites 毒蛇咬傷的快速診斷
2024/4/8Venomous snake bites are one common disease related to public health in the tropical and subtropical areas on the earth. According to the statistics compiled by WHO, there are approximately 3 million people worldwide bitten by snakes every year and about 100,000 of them die from snake bites.
Prevention and Treatment for Pressure Injury 壓力性損傷的預防與治療
2024/3/28It often takes a long time for a pressure injuries to develop and it takes place when someone’s skin or hypodermis is oppressed. Clinical symptoms include ruddy skin, erosion, ulcer, serious necrosis state, suppuration, and fever.
Sensory integration (SI) dysfunction 感覺統合失調
2024/3/21This is a term commonly used, but not a formal diagnosis. It is for the purpose of describing a group of symptoms, which includes gravitation insecurity, tactile defensiveness, visual spatial coordination disturbance, and motor coordination problem.
Care for Premature Infants at Home 早產兒居家注意事項
2024/3/21Add cold water before adding hot water. Use the inner side of elbow or wrist to test the temperature.
Patient Safety: Fall Prevention for Hospitalized Children 病童安全 如何預防跌倒-住院篇
2024/3/21Children are a high-risk group for fall and hence how to prevent children from falling and injury is worth the attention and valuation from the public.
Fall Prevention in Sick Children - Outpatient Service 病童安全 如何預防跌倒-門診篇
2024/3/21Falls can result in injuries ranging from skin and flesh injuries to fractures or intracranial bleeding, or even death.
Instructions after DTaP-IPV Vaccination 白喉、破傷風、非細胞性百日咳及不活化小兒麻痺混合疫苗(DTaP-IPV)接種後須知
2024/3/21There may be redness, swelling and pain at the site of inoculation, accompanied by occasional loss of appetite, vomiting, fever and other symptoms. These reactions, usually short-lived, will go away within a few days.
Instructions after DPT-Hib-IPV-HBV Vaccination 白喉、百日咳、破傷風、小兒麻痺、B型嗜血桿菌、B型肝炎(六合一)疫苗接種後須知
2024/3/21If the injection site is red, swollen or becomes hard, a cold compress can be applied first followed by a hot compress 48 hours later. Please pay attention to avoid frostbite or a scald.
Instructions for Live Attenuated Japanese Encephalitis Vaccination 活性減毒日本腦炎疫苗接種須知
2024/3/21Administering the Japanese encephalitis vaccine is the most effective method of prevention and treatment.
Instructions after DTaP-IPV Vaccination 四合一補追疫苗(DTaP-IPV)接種後須知
2024/3/21There may be redness, swelling and pain at the site of inoculation, accompanied by occasional loss of appetite, vomiting, fever and other symptoms. These reactions, usually short-lived, will go away within a few days.