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Health EducationFor safety – correct hand-wash can effectively prevent the spread of contagions 手部衛生:保護病人、避免感染
2024/9/3Washing hands properly and frequently is good personal hygiene, and it is the single most effective way to prevent and reduce the spread of communicable diseases, if it is done correctly.
Learn about Ganglion Cyst 認識腱鞘囊腫
2024/8/6Ganglion cyst is a benign tumor common seen around wrist. It is usually discovered by accident and sometimes gets bigger with pain or soreness. Ganglion cyst that grows in wrist may often cause pain in the wrist. The discomfort is particularly obvious when moving the joint.
Trigger Finger 扳機指
2024/8/6Patients often complain that they cannot straighten their fingers after bending and have to use the other hand to straighten it up. Patients can also feel a lump at the base of the side of the palm. This is the so-called trigger finger.
De Quervain’s Disease 淺談媽媽手
2024/8/6Many new mothers feel the pain on the sides of both thumbs near wrist joints and the pain worsens when holding their babies. This disease is nicknamed “Mama’s hand”. Its official medical term is stenosing tenosynovitis of radial styloid, or De-Quervain’s Disease.
Tendon Suture 手肌腱斷裂縫合術後運動計畫
2024/8/6“Tendon Suture” literally means to sew up split tendon in order to recover its functions to flex or extend, and to restore its normal strength and appearance.
Introduction to Trigger Finger 媽媽手居家保健運動
2024/4/8Also known as De Quervain’s disease and stenosing tenosynovitis, trigger finger is s type of tenosynovitis caused by excessive use of thumb stretching and extension.
Hand Eczema 什麼是富貴手?
2023/12/26Hand eczema, commonly known as housewives' hand eczema, is hand dermatitis, the main cause of which is that the skin itself is relatively sensitive to repeated stimulation of external substances, resulting in dry hands, peeling, cracking, and disappearing fingerprints.
Notes for Surgical Removal of Apocrine Sweat Glands 頂漿汗腺刮除手術注意事項(狐臭手術注意事項)
2023/11/24The human body has a special sweat gland called apocrine gland, also known as large sudoriferous gland, which is located at the bottom of the dermis and opens at the root of the body hair.
miraDry® for Axillary Hyperhidrosis Treatment miraDry®清新微波 熱能止汗系統
2023/11/24miraDry® uses the patented microwave thermal energy focusing technology to precisely control the energy heating of the skin and the distribution area of the large and small sweat glands of subcutaneous fat
Tendinitis 肌腱炎簡介
2023/11/8The end of the muscle forms a long and thin band structure attached to the bone, which is the tendon. If the tendon is inflamed for various reasons, it is called tendinitis.