Department Introduction

Medial Quality


Medial Quality

Department Introduction

The measurement of medical care quality has three facets—structure, process, and outcome. In 1966, Donabedian stressed that there is no quality without measurement.
In the past 20 years, hospitals, like general enterprises, have chosen quality indicators for their own use and ensure the correctness of data collection. Through the interpretation, analysis, and review of the collected data and by the discovery of the problem, the countermeasures are taken to improve the quality of medical care. In other words, we can adapt the functions and processes of medical institutions through continuous studies, so as to reach the expected results and meet the needs of customers.

In order to continuously improve medical and service quality and promote total quality management (TQM) activities, China Medical University Hospital (CMUH)   established the standing Medical Quality Committee (Committee) in 1993., in which Professor Cheng-chun Lee served as the first director and three full-time quality control staff members were employed to assist in the promotion and implementation of medical quality assurance work, and to  launch TQM activities with the theory of "multiple tools." In 2006, it was renamed the "Department of Medical Quality" with six full-time quality control staff members. In 2009, Dr. Tsu-yu Chen was the director of the department, followed by His-chin Wu, Joung-liang Lan, Wen-liang Huang, Shier-chieg Huang, and Chiu-ching Huang. In September 2017, Director Yu-chun Wang led eight colleagues with a background in medical management or nursing for the planning and implementation of various quality control-related activities.
Our medical and service quality place emphasis on
  1. safety;
  2. effectiveness;
  3. patient centered;
  4. timeliness;
  5. efficiency;
  6. equity.
With the vision of "becoming the hospital that attaches the most importance to medical quality and patient safety culture," the department expects the staff to do the right thing and do the right thing better, in an attempt to jointly construct a medical environment with safety, humanity, and high quality by constantly enhancing medical quality and patient safety.


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