Department Introduction
The diagnosis service capacity of occupational injury and illness is the most in the central Taiwan and the service quality receives the highest satisfaction. The CMUH also expands the service network of occupational disease diagnosis and treatment. At present, it have set the out-patient clinic with 6 hospitals to increase the accessibility for labors.
The Act for Protecting Worker of Occupational Accidents was legislated in 2001. Based on the commission of Bureau of Labor Insurance, the Center for Prevention and Treatment of Occupational Injury and Disease in Central Taiwan is established in the CMUH to develop a new model of occupational disease prevention and treatment. Through the cooperation of the Department of Occupational Medicine department and related medical teams, the complete and professional services are provided to labors in diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation or resumption of work, application for reasonable compensation, and so on.
The Center for Prevention and Treatment of Occupational Injury and Disease in Central Taiwan established in the CMUH is one of nine occupational injury and disease treatment centers in Taiwan. Over the years, it provides the complete and two-way integrated services for domestic labors with occupational injury and illness based on the integration of CMUH resources and the linkages of the administrative resources of some county governments in the central Taiwan.
The service scope is described as follows
The Preventive Medicine Clinic is set by the attending physicians specializing in both family medicine and occupational medicine to serve labors.
Assisting laborers with cancer to identify if their cancer, central and peripheral nervous system diseases, or circulatory diseases are occupational diseases.
The practicing medical specialists assist the occupation issues due to overworks.
The term, Death from overwork, derived from Japanese, means a sudden and professional death caused by overwork. The cause is a stress-induced heart attack, or stroke-induced death caused by long-term fatigue. The first documented case about the death from overwork occurred in Japan. The incident was neglected first. Until the evaporation of bubble economy in the 1980s, many workers in their prime of life died suddenly without obvious cause, and the media named this phenomenon as "death from overwork" quickly. Because of the widespread notifications on the events of death from overwork, the Japan Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare had to make statistics on the number of workers died suddenly in 1987.
In 2011, Taiwan started to penalize the enterprises with overworking employees to reduce the death of overwork. However, these actions are considered to impede investments by some enterprises.
Since many physicians died suddenly in recent years, the overwork in hospitals shall also be treated seriously.
The features of prevention and management system of occupational injury and illness provided by the Center for Prevention and Treatment of Occupational Injury and Disease in Central Taiwan established in the CMUH are described as follows
The Center provides the health examinations and reexaminations for noise hazardous operations in business units and occupational unions. Most of the labors who receive the examination and are identified as the hearing loss due to noise operations are the important subjects in the health management and case management of the Center.
The Center provides the practical, timely and effective services for occupational injuries and diseases and links the medical and government resources for rights and interests of each case.
The Center assists employers and employees to assess the appropriate time and capacity constraints in job recovery, change and allocation. It also assist the courts to appraise the labor force loss ratio of labors with occupational injuries. These services can reduce not only the disputes arisen from labors’ leaves but also the man-hour loss of business units.
In the out-patient clinic, the occupational medical specialists and competency therapists provide the services of timely health education of competency and education of work resumption and appropriate recommendations to assist labors with occupational injuries to reenter to work.