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Patient Safety


Patient Safety

Patient Safety

To assure medical quality and promote patient safety, CMUH established the “Medical Quality and Patient Safety Committee” for the formulation of the organization structure of CMUH Total Quality Management, establishing and monitoring of departmental medical quality and patient safety related indicators. The Committee also upgrades hospital improvement culture and medical care quality through medical quality and patient safety and education training, and the launch of quality management activities.
CMUH also launches a hospital-wide patient safety related process according to the annual patient safety objectives and execution strategies formulated by the Department of Health. The relevant department will conduct routine review on the promotion of patient safety process to establish a patient-safety culture and safe hospital environment.


2016-2017 Hospital Medical Quality and Patient Safety Annual Work Objectives

Item 2016-2017 Key Guidelines

1.Upgrade the effective communication of medical care personnel

  • Implement the accuracy, integrity and timeliness of information transmission.
  • Implement the risk management and standard operation process of transferring patients.
  • mplement the timely notice and processing of the critical value of radiation, examination, check, and pathological reports or other important results.
  • Strengthen team communication skills.

2.Implement patient safety incident management

  • Build patient safety culture and participate in Taiwan Patient Safety Reporting System (TPR)
  • Analyze patient safety incident and promote improvement solutions
  • Develop patient safety incident management plan

3.Improve surgery safety

  • Implement and execute fall risk assessment and prevention measures
  • mprove anesthesia care quality
  • Implement surgical instrument and equipment test process
  • Avoid injury during surgery
  • Establish applicable mechanism and review unnecessary surgery

4.Prevent patient fall and lower injury degree of fall

  • Implement and execute fall risk assessment and prevention measures
  • Provide safe care environment and reduce injury degree of fall
  • Post-fall examination and adjustment care plan

5.Improve medication safety

  • Promote patient medication reconciliation
  • Implement transmission of medication allergy and history of adverse reactions
  • Strengthen the application safety with high-alert medicine and infusion pump

6.Implement infection control

  • Implement the compliance and accuracy in hand hygiene
  • Implement the control mechanism of antibiotics use
  • Implement the measure of care bundles to lower medical care related infection and voluntarily provide patients with medical safety related information.
  • Implement the measure of care bundles to lower medical care related infection and voluntarily provide patients with medical safety related information.

7.Improve pipeline safety

  • Implement the evaluation and care for pipeline use
  • Improve pipeline storage safety and reduce relevant injury
  • Intensify teamwork and provide integrated care

8.Encourage patient and family to participate in patient safety tasks

  • Encourage medical staff to initiate the establishment of partnership with patients and family.
  • Provide the public with diversity of participation channels
  • Encourage the public to report patient safety issues which they are concerned.
  • Voluntarily provide patients with medical safety related information to launch shared decision making between hospital and patients. (Shared decision making)
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