Patients & Visitors
Health Insurance Disclosed Indicators
In the United States there are many institutions responsible for collecting and publishing medical quality indicators, consisting of over 3,000 clinical indicators supposedly. Due to the lack of agreement between the indicators, even medical staff is confused. In comparison, the hospitals in Taiwan only need to comply with TCPI, which becomes relatively simpler, in spite of some flaws. The majority of information on medical quality indicator of hospitals in Taiwan has not been integrated and hence such medical information could not be shared. By April 1999, Taiwan Joint Commission on Hospital was established and Commission introduced the Maryland Quality. Indicator Project (MQIP) from the United States. In August of the same year, the Commission launched the Taiwan Quality Indicator Project (TQIP) comprehensively in the medical industry of Taiwan to develop the medical quality reference indicators with locality. After the joint discussion by the National Health Insurance, medical experts, researchers and civil groups, currently four of the medical quality indicators have been negotiated and announced by the medical industry are selected as the scope and indicators for inter-hospital comparison. Additionally, disease indicators for individual diseases such as diabetes, knee replacement surgery, laparoscopic surgery, dialysis treatment, peptic ulcer disease, and asthma are provided as public reference.