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Health EducationPost-treatment Precautions for Transcranial Magnetic Resonance Imaging-Guided Focused Ultrasound Therapy經顱磁振導航聚焦超音波(神波刀)治療後注意事項
2024/8/5Fall prevention (More attention is required particularly in 2 weeks after the treatment)
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) 注意力不足過動症
2024/7/23Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that originates in childhood and is highly heritable and clustered in different generations of the family.
Guidelines for Children with Cerebral Palsy Care 小兒腦癱(腦性麻痺)護理指導
2024/4/8Cerebral palsy is a non-progressive, central motor developmental disorder caused by various reasons during fetal or infant stages. Clinically, in addition to motor function impairments, abnormalities in sensation, cognition, communication, visual perception, behavior, and epilepsy are often found.
Daily Care for Depression in Chinese Medicine 中醫鬱症日常保健
2024/4/8Depression is mostly caused by emotional upsets and melancholy; where sometimes the disease leads to depression and sometimes depression results in the disease.
Instructions of Self-Acupressure for Cerebral Apoplexy 腦中風自我穴位按摩保健須知
2024/4/8Cerebral apoplexy is also known as “stroke.” In ancient time, sudden fainting, unconsciousness, or sudden facial paralysis, hemiplegia, slurring of speech and other symptoms were classified as strokes.
Nursing Instructions of Acupressure for Pediatric Cerebral Palsy 小兒腦癱穴位按摩護理指導
2024/4/8Pediatric Cerebral Palsy” includes five lags, five weaknesses and five rigidities. These five delays include the lags in standing up, walking, hair, and speech.
Traditional Chinese Medicine Treatment for Head Injury 頭部外傷中醫治療
2024/4/8Western medicine team will be assisted to improve the post-injury and post-operative discomfort with assistance in recovery. Providing acupuncture and Chinese medicine treatment for patients with brain injury.
Care for Head Injury 頭部外傷照護
2024/3/28In 24 hours after the injury, the patient would experience drowsiness and dizziness to some extend and should be woken up every one hour to conversate a little. Observe the conscious state and if the patient could not be woken up, is unconscious or acts strangely, notify the medical personnel immediately.
Seizures and Epilepsy 痙攣及癲癇
2024/3/21Seizure is the main parozysmal disorder of the newborn, characterized by the sudden onset of neurological dysfunction which causes unexpected changes in behavior.