Health Information
Health Education
Health EducationExercise Electrocardiogram Instruction 運動心電圖檢查說明
2023/12/13Exercise electrocardiogram is a stress test, which is an non-invasive test to evaluate the possibility coronary artery diseases.
Gynecomastia Surgery (Male Breast Reduction) 男性女乳症手術注意事項
2023/11/24Gynecomastia is swelling of the breast tissue in boys or men. Though painless, it has a dampening effect on their appearance and self-confidence.
Note for Augmentation Mammoplasty 隆乳手術
2023/11/24Breast augmentation is an operation that can make breasts plump and firm. It is performed for the following reasons and patients:
Precautions for Breast Reduction Surgery 縮乳手術注意事項
2023/11/24Extremely large breast not only causes breast ptosis and affects the appearance but leads to shoulder and back ache, or poor posture due to slouch, which further results in physiological and psychological burden.
Emergency Department-Precautions for patients with chest pain 急診—胸痛病人注意事項
2023/11/20After careful treatment by a physician, if the patient is already able to go home to recuperate, the following instructions can help the patient to follow up at home.
Cardiac Rehabilitation 運動強心有撇步-心臟復健
2023/11/8The aim of cardiac rehabilitation is to increase physical fitness and improve the prognosis of cardiovascular disease by regular exercise combined with blood pressure control, blood glucose control, smoking cessation and weight control.
Rehabilitation Exercise after Removing Drainage Tubes in Mastectomy 乳癌手術拆除引流管後復健運動
2023/11/8Problems that may occur after surgery include lymphedema on the upper limb of the affected side, tightness in the chest wall or underarm on the surgical side, limited shoulder mobility or pain, upper limb weakness on the affected side, and cardiorespiratory dysfunction.
Self-care and Exercise after Radical Mastectomy 乳房根除術出院自我照護與運動
2023/11/8The following are the precautions for self-care and exercise at home after radical mastectomy.
Risk Factors of Cardiovascular Diseases and Rehabilitation Exercise 心血管危險因子與復健運動
2023/11/8In case of coronary artery disease or ischemic heart disease, surgeries are often needed to solve more severe problems with blood vessel clogging. However, cardiovascular stenosis or clogging does not just happen overnight but could be resulted from the long-term cumulation of many factors.
Rehabilitation Exercise for Patients with Heart Failure 心衰竭病友的復健運動
2023/11/8Cardiac rehabilitation consists of regular exercises incorporating with blood pressure. Plasma glucose and weight control as well as smoke cessation to boost fitness and improve the prognosis objectives of cardiovascular diseases.