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Health Information
Newborn Care and Safety at Home 新生兒居家注意事項
2024/1/2First, spread the cloth and clothes, and put a large towel beside for use.
Lower extremity Problems in Children: Genu Varum and Genu Valgum 兒童足部問題-O型腿與X型腿
2024/1/2In genral, the lower extremities of the baby are prone to form bowlegs due to fetal pressure. The deformity worsens after birth when walking due to weight bearing.
Foot Problems in Children - In-toeing & Out-toeing 兒童足部問題-內八字與外八字
2024/1/2The common lower extremity problem in pediatric orthopedics is in-toeing and out-toeing caused by lower extremity torsion. It is one of the pendulum effects in the development of children's musculoskeletal system.
Growing Pains - Common Orthopedic Problems in Children 成長痛 - 小朋友常見的骨科問題
2024/1/2About 15-30% of normal children before and after school age often suffer from limb pain when they grow up, which is diagnosed as "growing pains" by doctors.
Home Care for Infants with Diarrhea 嬰幼兒腹瀉的居家照顧
2024/1/2Generally, babies have about 1-3 bowel movements a day; each baby has different defecation habits, so the defecation times will be different every day.
Learning Disabilities 學習障礙
2024/1/2Having learning disabilities means that the patients show significant problems in attention, memory, understanding, reasoning, expression, perception or coordination of perceptual actions due to abnormal neuropsychological functions,
Fever of Unknown Origin 認識不明熱
2024/1/2Fever is a common manifestation of many diseases. Most fever lasts for up to 1-2 weeks and will automatically abate or the cause of fever will be quickly detected.
Osteomyelitis 認識骨髓炎
2024/1/2Infection and inflammation of the bone or the bone marrow can be classified as acute or chronic.
Notes for Caregivers for Multi-Drug Resistant Organisms 多重抗藥性菌株照顧者注意事項
2024/1/2Multi-Drug Resistant Organisms (MDRO) are bacteria that are resistant to the most effective antibiotics available, and because almost all drugs are ineffective, controlling the spread of these bacteria is the primary means of control.
Avian Influenza 禽流感
2024/1/2According to the antigenicity classification of nucleoprotein, the avian influenza virus belongs to influenzavirus A.