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Health Information
Suggestions and Precautions for Herpes Zoster Vaccination 帶狀皰疹疫苗接種建議及注意事項
2023/12/12Herpes zoster is commonly known in Taiwan as “live snake,” “snake skin” or “flying snake.”
Adult Immunization Schedule 成人疫苗注射時程你完成了嗎?
2023/12/12Preventive vaccination is the most economical and effective measure against infectious diseases.
Altitude Sickness 高山症
2023/12/12Altitude sickness is the negative health effect of high altitude, caused by rapid exposure to low amounts of oxygen at high elevation.
Altitude Sickness Prevention 如何預防高山症
2023/12/12Consult your doctor for medical evaluation before departure.
Guidelines for Travelers to Malaria-endemic Areas 旅客赴瘧疾流行地區須知
2023/12/12Malaria is transmitted by the bite of Anopheles infected with Plasmodium. There are four kinds of Plasmodium for human infection:
Malaria Prevention Medication 瘧疾預防性用藥須知
2023/12/12For taking a drug for malaria prophylaxis before going abroad, please consult a doctor one month before going abroad to assess the risk of infection, the need for preventive administration and whether there are contraindications.
Notes for Influenza Vaccination 流行性感冒疫苗及接種注意事項
2023/12/12Influenza is an acute respiratory infection caused by influenza virus. Influenza viruses are classified into types A, B and C. The main seasonal influenza viruses are types A and B, while type C is characterized by mild upper respiratory tract infection. At present, H1N1 and H3N2 are the primary influenza A viruses that infect humans.
Recommendations on Japanese Encephalitis Vaccination in Adults 成人日本腦炎疫苗接種建議
2023/12/12Acute meningoencephalitis caused by infection with Japanese encephalitis virus involves the brain, spinal cord and meninges. The incubation period is 5-15 days. Most of the patients have no obvious symptoms. Only about 1% of the infected patients have clinical symptoms.
Home-based Medical Integration Program—Home-based Medical Care 居家醫療整合計畫-居家醫療
2023/12/12The home-based medical integration program includes three stages of care: home-based medical care, severe home-based medical care and hospice care.
Patient Safety-Recognition of visiting a doctor 病人安全 就醫認知
2023/12/8In order to prevent germs from spreading, please wear a mask when you feel a bit under the weather with symptoms like fever, cold, and phthisis. Also wash your hands frequently.