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Health Education
Health EducationInstructions for 5-in-1 DTaP-Hib-IPV Vaccination 白喉、百日咳、破傷風、小兒麻痺、B型嗜血桿菌 (五合一) 疫苗接種須知
2024/3/21A 5-in-1 DTaP-Hib-IPV vaccine is an inactivated one that is injected to simultaneously protect against five infectious diseases: diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, poliomyelitis and haemophilus influenzae type b.
Instructions for Japanese Encephalitis Vaccination 日本腦炎疫苗接種後須知
2024/3/21Japanese encephalitis is an acute infectious disease caused by Japanese encephalitis virus, which can be transmitted to humans through mosquito bites.
Instructions for Chickenpox Vaccination 水痘疫苗接種須知
2024/3/21Chickenpox, also known as varicella, is a highly contagious disease caused by the infection with the varicella zoster virus.
Instructions after Measles, Mumps and Rubella Vaccination 麻疹、腮腺炎、德國麻疹疫苗接種後須知
2024/3/21Like the measles vaccine, there are occasional symptoms such as rash, cough, rhinitis or fever 5 to 12 days after vaccination.
Instructions After Influenza Vaccination 流感疫苗接種後須知
2024/3/21After vaccination, sit and rest for 30 minutes, and leave the hospital when there is no discomfort.
Brief Introduction to the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Clinic 兒童青少年心理門診簡介
2024/2/21The growth and development of children is a long and fast changing process. It is almost always a joyful process for parents, but at times endured with great doubts and troubles.
The Role and Emotional Adjustment of Family Members of Psychiatric Patients 精神病人家屬的角色與情緒之調整
2024/2/21If one of your family members is diagnosed with a mental disorder, you should face problems and seek professional assistance from public health nurses in health centers, social workers in social bureaus and district offices
Psychiatric Rehabilitation 精神疾病復健篇
2024/2/21Let patients heighten their awareness of themselves and disorders.
Psychiatric Day Wards 帶您認識精神科日間病房
2024/2/21The day ward is an important psychiatric rehabilitation unit for patients with chronic and stable mental illness who come to the hospital for treatment during the day from Monday to Friday, and return to their residence at night and on weekdays.
Panic Disorder 恐慌症
2024/2/21Panic disorder is a form of anxiety disorder. Ordinary people do not feel afraid and uncomfortable in some places, where patients will repeatedly experience abrupt surge of intense fear, and even have the feeling of fear of dying.