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Health Education
Health EducationHow to Insert Vaginal Suppositories 陰道塞劑自我放置法
2023/12/26Use the suppository before going to bed as directed by your doctor.
Notes for Outpatient Gynecological Surgery 婦產科門診手術注意事項
2023/12/26When awake after general anesthesia, you may drink a little warm boiled water first and eat a mild diet after vomiting has stopped.
Health Education Instructions for Intrauterine Contraceptive Devices 子宮內避孕器衛教說明
2023/12/26Most intrauterine contraceptives device, can be placed in an outpatient clinic without anesthesia. It is advised to insert them during non-menstrual periods (usually the 5th day after menstruation). Keep in mind that if there is pelvic inflammation or vaginal inflammation or infection, treatment should be completed before placement.
Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia 子宮頸上皮內贅瘤
2023/12/26There is evidence indicating that 90% of HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) patients with cervical cancer are associated with early age sexual activities and poor hygiene.
Ovarian benign tumor 認識卵巢良性腫瘤
2023/12/26Ovaries are attached to the uterus, one on each side. It is the female reproductive organ.
The matters about the Laparoscopy caring 腹腔鏡手術照護須知
2023/12/26The laparoscopy is a kind of endoscopy, which insufflates CO2 gas into abdominal cavity to aid diagnosis of abdominal cavity or to undergo treatments.
Laparotomy surgery 剖腹探查手術照護須知
2023/12/26Patients would be asked to sign the consent forms for surgery and anesthesia.
Endometriosis 子宮內膜異位症
2023/12/26“Endometriosis” happens when endometrial tissue is discovered outside the uterine cavity.
Electro-coagulation 電燒手術
2023/12/26Electro-coagulation is a kind of operation that doctors use at the gynecology and patients should be aware of the following surgical matters regarding the disease.
Hysteroscope examination 子宮鏡檢查
2023/12/26Hysteroscope examination could be divided into flexible and rigid types. Our hospital uses the flexible type to enter uterine cavity to observe conditions inside.